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Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Sylvia and Malcolm Darby celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary recently. After holding a party in Preston village hall, near Oakham in Rutland, they then held a party and reception at Barnsdale Lodge Hotel for their family.

If you would like to see more images log on to www.jimharrison.photoshelter.com

Monday, March 07, 2011

On Saturday morning, 5th March 2011, Lord Coe was at Uppingham School to officially open the new Sports Centre there.
After the speeches Lord Coe unveiled a plaque to mark the opening and was then presented with an Uppingham School rugby shirt.

Technical Stuff:-
The weather was a bit dull and grey and so some fill in flash had to be used to give a bit of punch to the images. Lens used was a 17mm which helped with the fill in.