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Monday, February 21, 2011

The Kimam Qatari Youth Club were hosted by Scalford Hall near Melton Mowbray this weekend (19/20th Feb). On Saturday evening the Mayor of Melton Mowbray was there meeting members of the youth club and later she welcomed the Qatari Cultural Attache to the event.
To see more picture log on to www.jimharrison.photoshelter.com

During the evening a presentation was made to Margaret Moore and to Bill Dixon, the General Manager of Scalford Hall

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mr John Duckworth playing the church organ at St Mary the Virgin church, Thorpe Arnold, near Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire.

Mr Duckworth has been playing the organ there for 50 years and on Sunday 13th February a Service of Celebration was held in recognition of his achievement.

At the end of the service Mr John Duckworth and his wife Anne joined members of his family and the congregation for a lunch after which a celebration cake was cut.

To see more images log on to www.jimharrison.photoshelter.com